Six years ago, when the Beekeeper was just a “potential” beekeeper finding out what was involved, several people told us beekeeping needn’t take a lot of time – an hour a week or so on average.
So here’s a photo montage of the last ten days or so…
FRIDAY: National Honey Show, Wax workshops, shopping and viewing the entries
SATURDAY: National Honey Show, more wax workshops, lectures, and collecting the cup!
SUNDAY: Visit apiary – checking hives and discussing the weekend’s activities.
MONDAY: labelling up and boxing honey for a bulk order.
TUESDAY: Evening committee meeting at the apiary.
THURSDAY: Evening spent with Harrow Beekeepers listening to Jamie Ellis’ excellent talks, on Small Hive Beetle and how he (Jamie, not the SHB) got involved with bees.
FRIDAY: Trip round the M25 to a cash-n-carry that stocks bakers fondant – a useful bulk food for the bees over winter.
SATURDAY morning: Visited British Entomological and Natural History Society show in London to see some other insects. Helps us appreciate that, working with bees, at least the objects of our devotion don’t need a magnifying glass to be seen. Some of those beetles were tiny!
SATURDAY evening: Harrow BKA AGM – sharing the National Honey Show cup with Judy, HBKA business and annual dinner.
SUNDAY: Morning visit to the apiary and the orchard, to check hives and put some fondant on where needed. Catch-up with HBKA after AGM
(And the drone spent a couple of hours making up another hive stand and writing this blog!)
Totting it all up comes to about 30 hours in 10 days.
Coming soon to a calendar near us… pollen workshops and the first in a series of training sessions in preparation for Bee Husbandry exams, plus – maybe – a little bit of beekeeping 🙂